How To Put On A Corset

We understand that the world of corsetry can be overwhelming and so we’ve combined the best of the science and creativity in the industry to make a simple demystifying guide which can be found here.

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The lacing yourself into a corset video.

Step 1

Untie the bow in the centre and then fully loosen the laces without undoing the knot at the bottom end of the corset.

Step 2

Un-hook the front busk fastening and gently loosen the laces at the back. Open the garment as wide a possible, so there is only a pair of small loops at centre back.

Step 3

Wrap the corset around your body, while adjusting
the modesty panel, so it is flat under the laces. Start by fastening the third hook from the bottom over its pin and then fasten all the remaining hooks to the bottom. Then fasten all the remaining hooks to the top. It is quite normal for parts to come undone and they can simply be re-closed when finished fastening the others.

Step 4

Gently tug on the long loops of the lacing until the corset stays on without the need to be held.

Step 5

Beginning at either the top or bottom, gently tighten the corset by pulling the laces while maneuvering the modesty panel into place and smoothing it out.

Step 6

Tie the laces in a bow (never a knot) at the back. There should be a 1-2" gap at the back between the two sides of the corset. This will vary between the top and bottom and depends on your body shape. The centre of the corset should be pulled in the most. Note: Corsets require seasoning over a few days, so on first wear, the gap between the back panels should be between 3-4". Gradually bringing that down to 1-2" over the course of the corset seasoning process.

Step 7

To hide the excess lacing, you can braid it and then pass the braid under the criss-crossed laces on your corset, from either the top or bottom. Note: Never tie the laces at the centre in a knot, as it will be very difficult to undo when you are ready to remove your corset

A video explaining step 7 - how to hide the excess laces of a corset.